Civil Construction

Brice Inc. specializes in logistically complex civil projects in rural and remote locations across Alaska. With over 90 different project locations and counting, Brice has completed contracts ranging from airport improvements in the Aleutian Islands to erosion control in the Arctic Circle and gas exploration in interior Alaska. The company routinely tackles several multi-million dollar projects, in multiple locations, while ensuring the quality of each and that budget and schedule restrictions are met. Brice has excellent bonding and banking capacity, 90 percent of its civil construction work has been turnkey, hard dollar, bonded contracts.

Brice routinely leverages the assets and capabilities of its sister companies to provide the best value to clients and turn-key solutions for complex problems.

Civil Project Highlights

Dalton Highway 397-414

The flooding of the Dalton Highway in the spring of 2015 brought the oil industry and the state’s economy to the brink. The Department of Transportation and Brice Incorporated collaborated to modify the scope of the project, which was awarded to Brice in early 2015 to identify and mitigate risks to the project, permit additional material sites, develop milestones, and adjust plans and specifications. This front-end work allowed the project to be accelerated, milestones met and changes negotiated in a matter of weeks while the flooding was still underway. The Sag river again flooded in 2016, but the grade raises completed by Brice prevented the river from overtopping the road. 

Kotzebue AIP

Brice Incorporated was selected by the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to construct the Kotzebue Airport and Safety Area Improvements Stage III project in the fall of 2012. During planning and construction of the project, Brice utilized several strategies to increase the efficiency of construction and lessen the impact to the community including construction of an on-project barge landing, and development of a local borrow source, providing substantial cost savings to the owner. During the development of the source, archaeological remains were discovered within the borrow source. Brice worked with state, local and federal agencies, as well as the elders and Native Village of Kotzebue to exhume, preserve and rebury the remains in Kotzebue while successfully completing the project.

Kivalina Airport Erosion Control

This $9.9 million project through AK DOT built a 3642’ long revetment parallel to the Kivalina Airport which is on the verge of eroding into the Chukchi Sea. This airport is a crucial lifeline for the residents of Kivalina and their only means of the access. This project entailed excavating 45,000 cy of beach sand and importing 40,000 tons of armor and underlayer stone to build the revetment. The rock was mined and processed in Nome, loaded on an 11,000 ton barge and hauled to Kivalina for the project. 

ARRC 147.5 Bridge

The ARRC has a plan to replace old bridge spans that have outlived their design life with higher capacity bridge spans. This $4.4 million project was to remove 7 spans of this bridge located on the Palmer Flats over the north channel of the Knik River, shorten the bridge 246 feet at the north end with gravel railbed, and install 5 new spans during the winter. The project included welding, concrete work, pipe and sheet pile driving, ground thawing, earthwork, and crane picks over 200 tons, with no road access.


590 university Ave, Suite 200
Fairbanks AK 99709

Tel: 907.452.2512
Fax: 907.452.1067


PO Box 70668
Fairbanks, AK 99707